Do your friends know that you blog?

When I started my blog, my husband was the only one outside of the blogosphere to know. I wasn’t sure where this new adventure would take me, so I decided to keep it to myself. As time went on I started to tell a few good friends, unsure of their reaction or interest. Most were receptive and asked for the URL, a few said the equivalent of “oh, that’s nice… let’s talk about something else.” Now, after seven years, no more than ten non-blogging friends read my blog, or are even aware of it.

And that’s just fine.

Who is the woman behind this blog?

I became curious about what others do when I noticed that many of my blogging friends link to their posts on Facebook. Some had blog-specific Facebook accounts, but most just linked from their personal page. I imagine many do the same thing from other social media accounts.  

Most of the friends I have on Facebook are people I’ve known from my childhood or from my work life. Although many of them are actual friends – even close friends – not all are. Many are really just friendly acquaintances in practical terms.

I have made the choice not to link my posts. In fact, just the idea of it makes me very uncomfortable.

So, what gives? Why are some people happy to let anyone and everyone know about their blog, and others are happier keeping the worlds separate?

On a recent Zoom meeting, I asked this question of five blogger friends, and got a variety of answers. Although most of them didn’t share their blogs on social media initially, they now link their posts without hesitation. A few mentioned that their blog helps them keep in touch with friends and family, but all said that they write what they want (with some minor self-censorship if, for example, their mother reads their blog) and share freely.

This discussion made me wonder how other non-monetized, “lifestyle” bloggers feel about sharing with friends and family. Do most keep their worlds separate or are they comfortable sharing their blog… or maybe a little of both?

So, how about you?

  • Do you freely tell your friends and family about your blog? If you do, what has been the general response?
  • Have you ever censored or altered what you have written in a post knowing a specific person reads your blog?
  • Do you link your posts to social media? If so, do you use your personal account, or do you have a blog-specific account? What social media platforms do you use?
  • If you do share on social media, what has been your experience?
  • Has your sharing philosophy changed over the life of your blog?

Obviously, these are decisions that everyone gets to make for themselves, but I find the different approaches so interesting. I hope you’ll join the discussion and share your experiences – good or bad.

Author: Janis @

My blog is about travel, relationships, photography, and whatever else pops into my head (even, sometimes, issues surrounding retirement and aging).

215 thoughts on “Do your friends know that you blog?”

  1. Such a great topic and empowering because I thought I was the only one who had beloved people in my life who could care a fig to read anything on my old blog! HA!
    Much has been mentioned here already, so I won’t elaborate, but I want to mention I love your beaded mask – do you have a mask collection (other than requisite COVID ones)? I remember your former avatar featured you behind a wooden mask of some sort.
    I’ve thought of doing ZOOM with a few bloggers, too, but let my idea slip by – I tend to get bogged down in details, so let’s just leave it at that! HA!
    Oh I will add (sorry this is getting long) that I include a link to any relevant post in my ‘little list’ emails from time to time.
    Have a great weekend, Janis.
    ps-I just finished watching ‘The Glorias’ if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s free on Amazon Prime this month…excellent content and style of filming.

    1. You definitely aren’t the only one with friends who yawn at the mention of blogs.

      The mask isn’t mine, sadly. I took the “selfie” (maskie?) when we were house/cat-sitting in San Miguel de Allende. The mask belongs to the homeowner. My original avatar was of me standing next to a large tiki head… maybe that’s what you remember (I think the pic is still on my About page).

      Thanks for the Prime recommendation. I hadn’t heard of that show and we are always looking for good things to watch.

  2. I tell friends (and strangers) and share my blog on Facebook as that is where a few look for it. (I’ve tried to get them to follow me on WordPress but they say it’s too hard!) My mom and my sister always read my blog and sometimes will even call me about it. (And yes, I think about my mom reading it when I edit.) Some friends will mention things I’ve shared in it; other friends who followed me at first now don’t often (ever?) read it as they are “too busy”. I was a bit upset at first… the two IRL acquaintances I knew who blogged, I always read their posts (both have since stopped blogging). I guess I hoped my friends would be more interested! I sometimes even linked my blog to my LinkedIn account, when the topic was more specific about retirement transition and less personal. I never felt like I needed to hide what I was doing from anybody, so never felt the need to not talk about it or share it.

    1. I wonder about the process non-bloggers have to go through to sign up on WP in order to make a comment. It seems like it would be a barrier. The non-blogging friends I have who (I think) regularly read my blog seldom leave comments. They’ll often email me or send a text. Whichever way they decide to communicate, I’m always grateful that they take the time to read what I write. It’s nice that your mother and sister read your blog. I bet they enjoy the connection to you and your thoughts.

  3. Interesting post! My experience has always been that people who are not bloggers are not really interested in blogs. But also, in recent years people (perhaps mostly non-bloggers?) take for granted that if you have a blog, it’s for making money and is heavily niched, as if personal blogs ceased to exist. This feels a little uncomfortable to me, since I love to read personal blogs! This makes me mostly mention my whiskey blog(s) to non-blogger people because that’s what people will understand. I’ve had quite positive responses about my whiskey blog.
    I have a Twitter account and an Instagram account for my whiskey blog, and I add my post links to Twitter, and the latest post to my Instagram profile. Both platforms have enable nice connections, conversations and even whiskey sample swaps! The Twitter whisk(e)y community has been one of the things that have helped me switch off from the 2020 horrors.
    With my personal blog I’m a lot less inclined to share links all over the place, not sure why. Maybe because of the current blog trends, that a personal blog is seen as something of less quality? I’m not sure if this is true though, maybe I’ve read too many “about blogging” blogs (which are always marketing focused)!

    1. I can really understand how a niche blog like whiskey or music would be much easier to “market” to non-bloggers, kind of like food blogs and fashion blogs. I imagine that a high percentage of followers of those types of blogs are non-bloggers. I’m not a whiskey drinker, but your blog looks really interesting even for someone like me… a wine drinker. It appears that your personal blog is no longer active (at least that’s what I found when I clicked on your link)?

      1. My personal blog is hidden behind a “maintenance mode” page at the moment.. I’m so uncertain about what I want to do with it so I’m just letting it rest for a while. Some time ago I thought it would be vaulable to write down my thoughts related to the pandemic and daily life, but it turned out writing about it only makes me miserable!! So I’ll focus on the music blog and whisky blogs for a while and then I’ll see how I feel about it.

  4. Hi Janis! Better late than never…and I saw you have a ton of comments on this. Any chance you can do something like Donna did and do a recap? It would be interesting to see how many others feel differently and why. What do you think?? ~Kathy

  5. This blog hits the nail on the head on many fronts for me. I have often felt un-supported by families and friends when it comes to my blogging effort. I figure a writer wants to be read, and I’m no different. I do write because it’s therapy for me but I also feel I have profound stories to share; and yes I’m careful how I write about them, because often it involves sensitive issues (family estrangements, alcoholism, etc).

    I have a couple of friends who are super supportive of my writing, but more friends who are not. I have had to develop a thick skin. My husband told a mutual friend of ours recently “Oh Susan writes a blog!” She didn’t ask about it at all, and proceeded to say “Oh I’ve always been a good writer.” I had a good laugh and said to myself “what are you going to do?” I would love for her to be interested but I can’t force it. I remember sharing my discouragement with Donna of Retirement Reflections when I met her for coffee once upon a time (she was vacationing in my community and we had met in a yoga class). Donna said I wasn’t alone in my feelings and she thought I might get more support from the blogging community. I was about to quit blogging when I met with Donna and after that meeting, I decided to hang in there and I’m glad I did.

    So much food for thought here! Great job!

    Susan Grace

    1. I think many bloggers start out assuming that their readership will come from friends and family… surprise! The response from your friend is classic (“enough about you, what about me?”). I’m glad you connected with Donna while she was in the desert (sorry I missed you when I was there). She shared very wise advice and offered sincere encouragement. I’m also glad you decided to continue writing!

    2. Hi, Susan – Janis emailed me to ensure that I had seen this comment. Thank you for making my day. I love how acts of kindness go round and round, and we all contribute to a much larger puzzle. RetirementallyChallenged was the first blog that I ever followed, and Janis was the first blogger I ever met in-person. I still remember her kind and personal reply the first time that I commented on her site. She also emailed me and suggested other bloggers whom she thought I would enjoy. If she had not encouraged and supported me, I most likely would not have continued blogging, and wouldn’t have been able to encourage you about this. I know that you are also paying this encouragement forward. You’ve shared a wonderful reminder never to underestimate kind gestures, no matter how small!

      1. “Ain’t it the truth!” (Cowardly Lion, Wizard of Oz)

        Wow everything comes full circle. Someone helped you, you helped me….on and on. That was very nice of Janis to send my comment to you. I remember it like yesterday, sitting in the Daily Grind telling you my blogging woes, how I felt completely unsupported by family and friends and how I was thinking about quitting. It was after my meeting that I changed the format of my blog — instead of writing Dickens like novels, I started scaling back and adding photos. As my daughter would say “Well, now you know.” 🙂

        susan grace

  6. When I started my blog, I linked to it from my personal Facebook account. I wasn’t sure how else I could find followers. So, initially, all my readers were friends. But I didn’t push it at all. Then I set up a blog specific Facebook page. I invited my friends to follow it but now I have followers there who aren’t friends. Some subscribe through email too. As I immersed myself into the blogging community, I gathered more non-friend followers. Over time, I feel many have become my friends. There are some things I would blog about if I didn’t know my followers. I don’t want to hurt feelings or reveal anything too personal. Maybe I need to start an anonymous blog for those types of posts. Writing is good therapy. My biggest commenters are fellow bloggers but I also have friends who will periodically comment. I recently started writing about my mom and her health issues and it was easier to link from her Facebook page to keep her friends in the know. I’ve picked up more followers that way but I don’t push at all. And I know I’ll probably lose some of those followers at some point.

    1. I think one of the most important pieces of advice new bloggers need to hear is to actively engage with the blogging community. Often, when we start out, we think that – magically – readers will flock to us. Other bloggers will read consistently good content and often leave thoughtful comments (and, I agree, they will often become people we consider our friends, whether we have met them in real life or not). Interesting that you linked from your mother’s FB page, I think that’s the first time I’ve heard of that… but it makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing your experience!

    2. @retired Introvert: you have enunciated my feelings and experience exactly. I was thinking of setting up a blog specific facebook page to link posts because some people have trouble commenting if they don’t have a wordpress account.
      I totally agree writing is therapy but I do like to keep my private life to some extent private. I am often a bit shocked at how much some people post online and are comfortable doing so.
      It is so nice to meet like minded folk on the blog and then an even bigger treat if you get to meet in person. I know a couple of bloggers who are skyping regularly since Covid. That seems to work for them.

  7. I am a non-monetized lifestyle blogger. I do link my posts to social media accounts mostly because sometimes when I have trouble finding a specific blogger I want to respond to, I have used their social media accounts. My family usually reads my blog posts so I make sure not to write anything I wouldn’t want them to read!

  8. When I started blogging, I was so excited by this new endeavour, I was trying to share it with all my friends and family … “look at my shiny new toy. Isn’t it beautiful?!” To my profound disappointment, no one cared. Yes, I have friends who follow me, but I know they don’t really ‘get it’.

    {Travel across the country during a pandemic to go hiking with some bloggers you’ve never met? … no, they definitely didn’t ‘get it’}

    Yes, I definitely filter what I say and how I say it. I like to think of it as wisdom 😉

    1. I think you win the “all in” dedicated blogger prize! And, yes to the wisdom remark. We don’t need to say everything that is on our minds… whether face to face, or on social media (maybe especially on social media). Personal filters sometimes seem in short supply these days.

    2. @Joanne – I hear you on the friends who don’t get it. I am rarely asked about my blog. Only two are interested. It doesn’t matter because the ones who are interested are the ones who blog too!

      1. The one thing I’m often asked about is how I can develop such “real” friendships with people I’ve never met. Your comment suggests the reason why – it’s in this virtual space we get to ‘see’ each other. In reading and commenting on blogs we give each other our undivided attention. Even though it is only for a short period of time, it’s often more than we get in the real world. Kind of a sad commentary now that I think of it.

        1. You hit the nail right on its head, Joanne. Undivided attention. That is really want everyone wants and presumably why we enjoy commenting. I find the comments to be so supportive and kind, so much more positive than other social media or irl – real life. In that way, it is sad however, for me, meeting bloggers in real life is no different to speaking to bloggers via comments, it is positive, fun and empathic. So I guess bloggers are all just especially nice people! It is a fantastic community we have here.

          1. Agreed!! I never imagined when I tossed my first blog post out into the universe that it would become this wonderful supportive community we are all a part of!

          2. I know, right? Delightfully and utterly surprising. I didn’t think about receiving comments at all to begin with, when I started my blog and I am somewhat ashamed to say I left a few short comments that probably didn’t inspire conversation in the early days. But when I found my blog tribe and it grew to a community, I opened up more.

          3. It took me a while to learn the art of leaving comments. It’s awkward talking to strangers at the best of times, but online it felt even more so. Like you said, finding the right tribe made a world of difference 🙂

          4. I guess it was the same for me. I would just like the comment or say something courteous. But reading other blogs made me realize there was a supportive non judgemental community out there to chat to.

  9. Wow, Janis! You have quite the following and discussion going on here! There must be more than “just” blogging friends who are participating! 🙂

    Great topic and good points. I started out blogging about our sailing adventures in 2007, solely to keep friends and family abreast. With Roaming About, the last five years, things have changed. Some members of my family and maybe a couple of “old friends” from Belgium (at the max) are probably reading/scanning my posts. My mother and mother-in-law mainly just look at the photos. My biggest following is from fellow bloggers or people interested in an alternative lifestyle.

    To answer your questions:

    Do you freely tell your friends and family about your blog? If you do, what has been the general response?
    I remind them sometimes about my blog via an email, usually during my “New Year’s letter” (“Oh, by the way, if you’re interested in keeping up with our destinations and adventures., don’t forget to check out my blog!”) I have “business” cards with our website address on it and I hand those out to people we meet along the way, who might be interested in checking out our lifestyle. I can’t say many of them do. None of the aforementioned people leave comments or “likes”.

    Have you ever censored or altered what you have written in a post knowing a specific person reads your blog?
    Rarely. The exception is when I think a subject is tricky (like posts about our late business and house sitting experiences) and I let my husband read (and censor/ approve) the piece.

    Do you link your posts to social media? If so, do you use your personal account, or do you have a blog-specific account? What social media platforms do you use?
    Yes. I use my Roaming About Facebook account and once in a while – based on the topic of my blog post – I link to it from my personal account. For example when I blog about my writing/publishing process. My blog also automatically posts on Twitter, which I keep neglecting.

    If you do share on social media, what has been your experience?
    Based on my Google Analytics, which I rarely check, new traffic to my blog mostly comes from Facebook links or shares.

    Has your sharing philosophy changed over the life of your blog?
    Nope. I’ve always been an open book. 🙂

    1. Wow, Liesbet, such a thorough response! In your case – both because so many of your friends and family live elsewhere and because you change locations so often – it makes perfect sense to link your blog and let every0one know or its existence. Most of your posts are about your adventures (or your memoir) so no real need to be too careful about the contents. It’s good to have a second pair of eyes on what you write, though, just in case.

      Interesting that most of your new traffic comes from Facebook. Since I don’t link, I can’t compare but most of the commenters who do link have indicated that they don’t get a lot of action there. Again, I guess it’s mostly because of what your blog is about.

      Thanks for your great comments!

  10. I have told my sisters that I blog. I haven’t shared with anyone yet. I’m not comfortable to share. I have another stream of career and I feel they will judge me. But then, the flaw is not many people read my blog. So I m just confused.

    1. I think most bloggers don’t get a lot of traffic from their friends and family. In my case, and I’d guess it’s true for most others too, followers have come from visiting, commenting (thoughtfully, not just “nice post”), and following other blogs you like. Also, make sure your blog name and gravatar are linked to your blog. That way, when you make a comment on a blog (like you did on mine) we can click on the link and go right to your blog. Acquiring followers takes time and work… don’t get discouraged. Thanks for your comment!

      1. That’s a relief.I thought whether I should comment this or not. and yes I know if people comment honestly we can atleast get a point of view.Thank you for the gravatar part. I didn’t know about it actually. And Thank you for sharing your thoughts ❤️

      2. I do agree with what you wrote here Janis and my experience with the people who do comment is similar at least regarding those who comment.
        I also find the same bloggers commenting and bobbing up at different blogs around the world. That speaks volumes doesn’t it? Firstly that like minds attract and secondly, that the blogger community that is highly active is largely reciprocal and empathic. I think personal blogs are quite different from monetized blogs and although it might be nice to have a paid ad-free blog, I am worried I lose some of the benefits of a free platform.
        I do censor my posts to a certain extent, but sometimes I don’t and do wonder if there is something I should not have said. Maybe this will provoke them to comment? I think a separate facebook page link might be good as I have been reluctant to link to my regular facebook. I do like to keep them separate. Facebook doesn’t have a great privacy keeping record and then there is the copyright issue that concerns me with posting on facebook. Have you looked into that at all?

        1. After reading a lot of the comments that mentioned blog-related Facebook accounts, I am a bit intrigued… but I probably won’t take the plunge anytime soon. I love blogging but it takes up a lot of time (as I’m sure you’d agree) and to add the time to keep up a separate FB page would be too much right now. Just like with our blogs, I don’t imagine that we could create a blog FB account and expect that magically we’d get a lot of followers. And, you are right about FB and privacy (or, the lack thereof). I love all the comments you sprinkled throughout! Thanks for engaging!

          1. I was a tad worried I had commented too much on your post, but there was so much I wanted to say to all the great bloggers joining the conversation. If I add a facebook page, it would probably be just a referral page and completely separate to the others that I have. I am admin for several groups and have a couple of existing pages for my art.

  11. I recently started my blog and I had made a decision beforehand not to tell anyone. I have always felt that those who know me will judge me for what I’ve written. I am trying to change that. But I’m still uncomfortable sharing my blog on other social media and I think that will take a long time to change.

    1. Most of the bloggers I know have found that the connections they have made with other bloggers is what keeps them going. Some blog to keep in touch with family and friends but, even then, the bloggers they’ve met through blogging are supportive. The important thing is to find your tribe. I imagine there are plenty of bloggers out there who not only won’t judge you negatively for your writing but will actually follow you for what you write. Good luck with your blog!

    1. The great thing about our personal blogs is that we can do whatever we want with them. Some love the interaction, others use their blogs like a personal, private journal. I have to admit that, as much as I love the connections, it does take a lot of time. Thank you for your comment!

  12. I only tell friends although I just started blogging so maybe subsequently I’d be able to tell family members too
    I’ve linked my personal accounts to my blog too
    I don’t find it to be much of an hassle

  13. I started writing my blog in March of 2019. I had retired the previous November, and looked forward to the opportunity to write. My husband and I even built a “she shed” to serve as a writing studio. I shared my blog address with everyone! I’m up to 20 followers. My grandchildren occasionally check it out to see if I’ve mentioned them, so I am definitely cautious about what I write. My husband died November 2019, and my writing, however not my audience, has changed. I still hope to make people laugh (I aspire to be the Erma Bombeck of the 21st century), but I also spend a lot of time encouraging people to be kind and truly appreciate the gift of the time they’re given. I’ve enjoyed reading about your travels, and looking at your wonderful photos. Joy to you and yours, and wishing you continued happiness in your retirement.

    1. Hi there! I’m so happy that you commented because your comment brought me to your wonderful blog (I love how that works). As I’ve written over and over (and will do so again), if a blogger wants followers, write good content and reach out to other bloggers (by looking for blogs that resonate, commenting on those blogs, and replying to all comments on your blog). I’ve just spent some time reading several of your posts and will enthusiastically sign up to follow. I am confident that you will soon have many more than 20 followers (oops, now 21 🙂 ). Thank you for adding to the conversation.

  14. I enjoyed this post and reading all the comments from your interesting questions. I started my blog over 9 years ago and happily share the fact with lots of people…friends and family included, but also with strangers. Very often in conversations with others, I will say that I have a blogging friend that was recently talking about…(whatever the subject of conversation is). Mine has never been monetized and I do it strictly for the enjoyment of writing about food and travel. Even though I’ve only met one blogger in person, I feel as though I have a world of friendships. I’ll continue to share until my fingers can no longer move across the keyboard.

    1. That’s true: I am often more comfortable mentioning something a fellow blogger wrote than I do talking about something I wrote. My life has been enriched by the bloggers I’ve met – both virtually and IRL. I imagine that these friendships, and my desire to keep my writing muscles exercised and in good shape, will keep me going for a long while too.

  15. I started my first blog in 2002 and have been at it ever since. I’ve always kept journals, and I worked in publishing, so blogging is a natural, fun hobby. I write only to please myself but have picked up a few regular followers over the years. Mostly they come and go. The internet being what it is, I do avoid getting terribly personal (with a few exceptions). I’ve occasionally mentioned my blog to friends and family and no one has whipped out a notepad to write down the URL, so I assume they aren’t reading. Linking to Facebook garnered one reader, so I finally dropped that. Have never liked Facebook. I also link to Twitter, but don’t know if it has garnered any readers.

    I’ve often heard that to build readership you should limit your blog to one topic. But since I write just for myself, I write about everything — politics, society, medicine, etc. And I do censor myself when necessary, trying not to be offensive or get too personal. I’ve not monetized the site, despite some associated expenses. It’s an investment in my hobby; I don’t want to hit my readers with ads or ask for donations.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I understand what you mean about writing to please yourself. I don’t have a regular post schedule because I only write when I feel that I have something of interest to say. I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I have been following it for a while so, obviously, I like what I read.

      I don’t know if it’s important to limit blog topics, unless it’s a genre-focused blog (fashion, cooking, travel, etc.), in fact, I like a wide-range of topics. If it’s interesting, I’ll read it, if it’s not, I’ll move on. I think the best way to build relationships through a blog is to visit other blogs you like and comment. I am so very lucky to have developed several very good friendships through my blog with people I would have never met any other way.

      And, I agree about the monetization of our personal blogs. I pay for a no-ad blog and it’s well-worth the little extra expense to keep my page clean.

  16. Hi, Janis. I really appreciated your post and the questions posed.

    In the past, everyone in my circle knew I blogged; however, since moving and taking a 3-year blogging hiatus, the new members of my circle often don’t.

    And I do not always post to Facebook, Instagram, and the like, but it’s not due to avoiding the possibility of offending someone—family or otherwise (actually, I think you referenced an “ugly” comment made on my most recent post. For transparency’s sake, that comment was made by my uncle. Lovely, I know 🤦‍♀️). Sometimes I just don’t do the crossover, for whatever reason.

    I will say I was much more wary of sharing certain things when I was younger, but age had cleared that up, thank goodness.

    One’s thoughts aren’t always popular, but I firmly believe certain things need to be said. Period.

    1. Thank you for visiting, commenting, and adding to the conversation. Your uncle, huh? Yikes!

      I have thought a lot about why I don’t share my blog freely with friends and family. It’s not that I want to avoid offending (I rarely write anything controversial), it’s more that I think of my blog as my space, one that I want to keep separate from that other part of my life. Funny, in some ways I think of many of my blog buddies (several who I have met in real life and have an ongoing relationship with) as being closer to me than people I’ve known for much longer.

      1. I agree with what you said, Janis in that it feels therapeutic to keep one’s blog separate from family life, and to tell you the truth, blogging doesn’t interest them too much anyway.

  17. Good topic! I share my posts on Facebook but don’t really try to promote my blog. I will mention my blog to family and friends if it comes up but I find most are not really interested. When someone does comment, I am always pleased. And then I don’t really share a lot of personal stuff on Facebook.

    1. I guess those who don’t blog don’t really understand the concept. If you told a friend that you painted or made jewelry… or even were writing a novel, they would instantly grasp what you were doing and would probably even ask question or see samples. Blogs? not so much. The good thing is that we have this whole tribe out there who (hopefully) actually looks forward to seeing our latest efforts. That works for me.

  18. Wow. That was a hot button topic. You have a full time blog just responding to comments. I did not find Twitter generates many views. My Twitter followers are mostly in health care and covid19 related. My friends are quite interested in our zoom meeting group. Way more interested than my blog which is quite dry. Wish I had kept a record of our topics since March.

    1. I was a bit surprise (pleasantly) at the breadth and depth of the comments also. Although just my personality alone will probably keep me from linking to my blog on social media, it seems that most non-monetized bloggers haven’t generated a lot of followers that way anyway. I like your idea of having a list of our topics. All of them have been really interesting, several were outstanding as far as generating a lot of thought and discussion.

  19. Wow, you certainly got a lot of replies here. I am gobsmacked!

    As for letting others know about my blog, no. Some people know, but few, if any, of my friends read my blog. Or, if they do, they never tell me or post a comment. I write for myself, which I guess is a good thing since there aren’t many who read it!

    1. I’m sorry to just now respond. For some reason, your comment got lost in my spam folder. I was surprised at the number of comments too. I always learn so much from the people who read and respond to my posts. I have very few non-blogging friends who comment, but sometimes they’ll send me an email or text to say that the read my post. Thanks for your comment!

  20. Janis, like you, I didn’t tell family or friends about my blog nor link it on Facebook for several years. As you know, I went even further down the privacy road when I set up my Facebook account and later my blog by writing them under (different) aliases rather than under my real name. The reason for that was that I was in a public facing job which would have inhibited writing about a lot of topics; using aliases gave me the freedom to be able to write and share my personal perspectives without career repercussions. I also never posted pictures of myself on my blog until I had left my career.

    At some point, I began linking the occasional blog post on Facebook, without ever actually saying that I was the one who had written it. (People who knew my FB alias didn’t know my Blogger alias, although most figured it out after a while.) On retiring, it was no longer so important important to maintain a separate work and personal online life, although I continue to use aliases because I still do some professional work and I don’t want to blend my online professional and personal profiles. Now I routinely link my blog posts on Facebook, and a lot of my FB friends read them that way, although they rarely comment on the blog itself. I have several close friends who never read my blog, or any blog, but most of my friends and family do read it.


    1. Thanks for such a thorough reply, Jude! I find that I usually choose privacy… but, then again, I do post my picture now and then. Fortunately, I haven’t been bothered by creeps, for the most part 🙂 If I had a professional presence, my decision would be different but, for now, I am more comfortable not linking to Facebook. If I have a friend who I think would be interested in my blog, I’d tell them. I figure most wouldn’t be.

  21. I just blog because of my writing impulse and enjoyment of composing with my photos that I’ve taken and show my experiences/fragment of my world.

    All my good friends and family members know of my blog. They know of my lifelong natural inclination to write and do it’s not a surprise to them. Whenever I published a new post, I send all of them a link. They don’t have to read it. I only publish once a month.

    I live several thousand km. from family, so the blog maybe important as a touchstone I can offer for them to know where I’ve been, what I may be thinking of. Sometimes I do comments that they enjoy certain posts or about a photo.

    The convenient thing about a blog is that I don’t have to waste conversation time yammering about my trips…they can see my blog if they wish.

    I had an employee profile which touched on my hobbies on corporate intranet….probably over 5,000 employees (out of 12,000) have corporate intranet access. So people saw the link.

    I don’t spend time on blog getting angry is intended abit more forward thinking and positive. It’s just fine by me.

    1. A blog is a terrific way to keep in touch across the miles. I know several bloggers who do the same thing. I have a few relatives in other states who subscribe to my blog but I have no idea if they actually read it. I understand that blogs aren’t for everyone. And, I agree about keeping things positive on our blogs. There is too much anger out there already… and plenty of other bloggers who are more political and/or controversial. My blog is my happy place.

      1. I just think my negativity and anger in a blog will paint me like that when I’m not. I just get ticked off about certain things.

        Blogging is a form creativity therapy and creative release for me. It’s not the only one.

    1. I have always found that visiting and commenting on other blogs you like is the best way to gain followers. I think the quantity of followers we have is less important than the quality (meaning those who actively engage). For me, it’s the community. Thanks for your comment!

  22. Wow, this post sparked some deep conversations. I talked about blogging non-stop and pretty much blogged non-stop as well. Because of the non-stop aspect, I opened up a Facebook page. Some people follow both, and many blogging friends have become Facebook friends and interact with my personal page rather than my blogging page. Most people don’t interact with my blogging page, actually. I have a handful of friends who read my blog, and those people have changed over the years, as have I and my writing. Having blogged for so long now, it is a comfortable medium for me, and I am satisfied with the niche I have carved out among hobby bloggers. I tried monetizing as an experiment and made almost nothing except to make myself uncomfortable. What I know and am comfortable doing is being friendly, chatting and bringing people together. I love doing what I can to support hobby bloggers – get better at their craft, join in their parties (challenges), meet their friends via the comment section, reblog posts, invite them as guest writers, interview them. I’m constantly learning new ways to support the hobby blogging community, and I’m having the time of my life without feeling pressure. 🙂 Thanks for this lovely post, Janis.

    1. When I started my blog, I was very shy about telling anyone. When I got my first follower from the blogosphere, I was over-the-moon with happiness. Then, there were more and more as I began to learn the craft and the art of engagement. Several bloggers have become friends in real life, and my husband and I have traveled for meet-ups (he was skeptical at first, then found out how terrific most bloggers are). So far, I’m happy to keep my blogging and non-blogging worlds separate but I admire that you are so comfortable sharing widely. Maybe one day, I’ll go that route also.

      1. I know exactly what you are saying. My husband was super skeptical at first. After we met my blogging friend from Australia, he calmed down entirely. He and her husband became good friends and keep in touch through Facebook. We had another blogging friend spend the night with us this July. He visited with her as if he’d known her all his life. It takes a while, just like making friends in real life. And all of us have different levels of confidence in the blogosphere. I think you are doing great, though, Janis. I’ll visit as often as I can, and that’s how we grow our friendships. 🙂

  23. Great questions. I just started my blog and shared with some of coworkers and friends. For those that know me well, they celebrated that milestone.

    1. I’m happy that you received such positive support! I find that there are two distinct camps: the ones who are enthusiastic and ask for the blog URL, and those who quickly change the subject. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments, opinions, and experiences.

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