
Me and Mr. Tiki

I started my blog in the months before I retired in part to work through my ambivalence about my upcoming life-changing event. Was I ready?  Would I have enough to do? Would I be giving up more than I would gain? My blog title, Retirementally Challenged, reflected my uncertainty and angst.

Now, looking back several years later, my only regret is “why didn’t I do it sooner?” Although I do miss some of the benefits of working full-time (like the built-in social network and regular paycheck), I have gained much more than I gave up.

No longer needing to navel-gaze about my retirement, I now enjoy writing about all sorts of topics, including travel, relationships, photography, gratitude, and whatever else pops in my head (even, sometimes, issues surrounding retirement and aging).

So, am I still Retirementally Challenged? Yes, but in a different way. I’m still retired and I still find challenges, but the challenges in my life are mostly positive and self-directed… they are what make life interesting.

Thanks for stopping by… I hope you decide to stick around.

129 thoughts on “About”

  1. I think we expect to be bored and then find out that we’re busier than ever! Especially if we’re making all these friends online. My husband retired for two years and then went back to work so he could rest. Lol. I look forward to reading more posts about your retirement adventures. 🙂

      1. He told them he needed to take four 2-week vacations a year or his wife wouldn’t let him come back!! And they agreed! Ha ha. If I’d only know I had such power a decade ago. 😀

  2. Janis, I’ve been meaning to come over and check out your blog for a long time, and I’ve finally done it after reading your comment on one of Terri Webster Schrandt’s posts.

    I look forward to reading your posts and joining your blogging community.

  3. Janis,
    Enjoy your blog, but especially your photos. Are they taken with a phone? If not, what camera are you using.

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