6,116 miles, 34 days, and 14 states

I was able to add one more state (West Virginia) to those I have visited over the years. Three to go (North Dakota, Minnesota, and Rhode Island).

My husband and I just returned from a lengthy road trip – both in time spent away and miles driven. We left our coastal Southern California home mid-April and touched our toes in the Atlantic Ocean a couple of weeks later before heading back home.  We saw so much beautiful scenery as we traveled across the country and observed some darker sights too. Traveling by car may have taken us a lot longer than flying, but we would have missed so much.  

From sea (La Jolla, CA) to shining sea (Wilmington, NC)

The main motivation for our trip was to visit family and friends, and because they live here and there, we were able to include a lot of interesting stops along the way. I added two new stamps to my National Park Passport book and visited my second Presidential Library. I took hundreds (and hundreds) of pictures, experienced a variety of weather events, and ate enough road food and BBQ to last me for a while.

White Sands National Park, New Mexico
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina
William J. Clinton Presidential Library, Little Rock, Arkansas

I didn’t intend to take such a long blogging break and I appreciate the notes of concern I received from several bloggers who noticed my absence. I had planned to write a few posts while we were gone but the WordPress gremlins had other ideas. Additionally, although I was able to read the blogs I follow, commenting was apparently not in the cards either. Oh well… best laid plans and all that. Now that I’m back and my luggage is unpacked, I will share some highlights, observations, and a few photos from our trip over the next few weeks.   

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